REGULAR DIVISION: Any individual who is currently serving or served in the U.S. Armed Forces (any branch, active duty, Reserves, National Guard, retired, or separated personnel) and holds the rank/grade of E-1 thru E-9 currently or at the time of separation from active duty under honorable conditions. Dues: 1 yr - $30, 2 yrs - $50, 3 yrs - $75, 6 yrs - $150. Life membership: Up to age 50 - $400, ages 51-60 - $250, ages 61+ - $150.
VETERANS DIVISION: Individuals who served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces who separated with a rank/grade other than E-1 through E-9. Dues same as Regular Division.
ASSOCIATE DIVISION: Individuals who actively support the aims and goals of NCOA but are not eligible for other categories of membership. Dues same as Regular Division.
INTERNATIONAL AUXILIARY: Spouses/former spouses, widows/widowers, and family members 18 years of age or older of individuals whether active duty, separated, veteran, Reserve or National Guard, in Grades E-1 through E-9. Dues: 1 yr-$20, 2 yrs-$40, 3 yrs-$50, 6 yrs-$70. Life membership: Up to age 50- $250, ages 51-60 - $125, ages 61+ - $60.
**NCOA membership dues are non-transferable and non-refundable.
VETERANS DIVISION: Individuals who served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces who separated with a rank/grade other than E-1 through E-9. Dues same as Regular Division.
ASSOCIATE DIVISION: Individuals who actively support the aims and goals of NCOA but are not eligible for other categories of membership. Dues same as Regular Division.
INTERNATIONAL AUXILIARY: Spouses/former spouses, widows/widowers, and family members 18 years of age or older of individuals whether active duty, separated, veteran, Reserve or National Guard, in Grades E-1 through E-9. Dues: 1 yr-$20, 2 yrs-$40, 3 yrs-$50, 6 yrs-$70. Life membership: Up to age 50- $250, ages 51-60 - $125, ages 61+ - $60.
**NCOA membership dues are non-transferable and non-refundable.