MESSAGE FROM THE NCOA PRESIDENT 15 June 2024 Greetings! Let the count down begin. It's a little over 30 days before our Annual Conference, Business Meeting and Knights Assembly. The NCOA HQ has planned a very informational and fun filled event for our members and I do look forward to meeting each member in attendance. Don't wait, now is the time for YOU to be a part of any NCOA's future changes to our organization and programs. Your voice and your ideas are the keys to our future success and the change engine that directs changes and improvements from within. I look forward to our Medallion growing even more popular from state to state in the years to come... If you haven't registered for our conference. Now is the time to move that move. Detailed information can be found on or call the headquarters if you have any questions or concerns. (210) 653-6161. Enjoy the following picture of the joy of awarding our Medallion to our Veterans. Strength in Unity®
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