![]() NCOA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S INSIGHTS FEBRUARY 2025 Greetings Team NCOA! One Member at a Time. Each One Reach One. Our Membership Goal ....2025 New Members in 2025! If you are wondering, how can I help the Association? Here is one way to help and quite frankly, it’s easy. Just sign up or sponsor at least 1 new member from any membership category. Let’s do it! I truly believe we will achieve that goal in very short order. We will provide an update each month so everyone will know our progress. I am asking everyone to participate. Help us increase our Association’s membership. The more members we have the more influence we have when seeking support on issues like The Richard Star Act, Tricare Coverage, Adjustments/Amendments to Quality-of-Life Benefits and opportunities for us to partner with sponsors that offer our members exclusive Discounts and Services. Speaking of benefits, visit the Membership Benefits page on the website for updated list of our partners. We are working on more, so, continue to read the ADVOCATE Newsletter, support us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and regularly visit the website for the latest updates. Share this information with those who you will ask to join us. In many cases all it takes is to ask! It doesn’t matter if you are assigned to a chapter, a new member or Life member signing up new members is something we all can do. Remember, we represent all branches of the Military - Active Duty, Retired, Veterans, Reservists, National Guardsmen, spouses, siblings, parents, and children (adults 18-years and up) are all potential members. Other Goals for 2025
Your Team (NCOA) needs you to get in the game! Thank you all again for your part in helping us achieve our overall goal of being the Military Service Organization of choice! 2025 in 2025! Strength in Unity® Joseph Terry, SGM, U.S. Army (Ret)
NCOA Executive Director 9330 Corporate Drive, Suite 708 Selma Texas. 78154 Facebook: NCOAUSA and NCOA-Strength In Unity® Instagram: NCOA1960 Youtube: @NCOAOfficial ![]() NCOA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S INSIGHTS JANUARY 2025 Happy New Year! Our theme for 2025 will continue, One Member at a Time. Each One Reach One. Our Membership Goal will be ....2025 New Members! Some of you may be asking yourselves, is that a typo, or did Joe drink too much eggnog for Christmas? LOL. Neither is true. This is very achievable if all of us do our part. As I have repeated year after year, if each of us signs up at least one new member in any category we would blow that 2025 New Member number out of the water! I genuinely believe we can achieve that in short order. We will provide an update each month so everyone can see our progress. I am asking everyone to participate. Many hands make the load lighter! When I tell people we represent the Total Force, they tend to ask, “how many members do you have?’ Our numbers do not reflect our representing the Total Force. We are well under 100,000 Members. You can help us fix this! All you need to do is get off the sidelines and act! You can help, whether you are affiliated with a chapter, a new member, or a Life member. Start by implementing your own Chapter Membership Drives and establish Incentives for those that sign up new members. A few chapters are already doing this; however, we need more chapters and those not assigned to a chapter to sign up new members. It doesn't matter if your chapter has 5 members or 500 members, your efforts still can make a difference. Host a “bring a friend” meeting. Encourage members to bring someone to see how your organization operates. Host a family-friendly event. Spouses, siblings, parents, and (grown-up) children are all potential members showing your organization is family-oriented and is a potential attracting point for new members! Additional information to follow via email and social media. Other Goals for 2025
Thank you all again for your part in helping us achieve our overall goal of being the Military Service Organization of Choice! Many Blessings to you all in 2025! Strength in Unity® Joseph Terry, SGM, U.S. Army (Ret)
NCOA Executive Director 9330 Corporate Drive, Suite 708 Selma Texas. 78154 Facebook: @NCOAUSA and NCOA-Strength In Unity® Instagram: NCOA1960 ![]() Team NCOA! This year is moving along at a fast pace! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please take the time to celebrate with family and friends. Also, if you are able, reach out to someone that may be in need, especially during this Holiday Season. NCOA is seeking design ideas for our next War Service Recognition Medallion - The Non Commissioned Officers Association Gulf War and Global War on Terrorism Medallion.
NCOA Chapter Start up - If you or someone you know in your area would like to consider starting up a chapter, please reach out to Ms. Tina Kish or myself and we will be more than happy to assist. It only takes 5 dedicated paid members to get a new chapter started. Email [email protected] or [email protected] for more information. Consider supporting our Benevolent Funds Programs – Every Dollar Counts and can make a Difference!!! https://www.zeffy.com/donation-form/one-dollar-can-make-a-difference. As always, thank you for your part in helping us achieve our overall goal of being the Military Service Organization of Choice! One Member at a Time-Each One-Reach One! Strength in Unity® Joseph Terry, SGM, U.S. Army (Ret) NCOA Executive Director 9330 Corporate Drive, Suite 708 Selma Texas. 78154 Facebook: NCOA USA and NCOA Strength In Unity INSTAGRAM: NCOA1960 1 October 2024Welcome Newest NCOA Chapter- Earn NCOA Lapel Pin - Welcome Newest Partner- (Veterans Day) Recognize our War Veterans-. Review, pass on and act on, by example! Fall is here! I hope you all had a very good summer, now it’s time to see the leaves change colors and the air become cooler, even here in Texas! NCOA's newest Chapter - the NCOA Steel City Chapter - was established last weekend. In addition to swearing in the new chapter trustees, several NCOA Vietnam War medallions were presented. Any NCOA Members in the 620-Zip Code (St Louis Mo/Southern Illinois Region) interested in forming a NCOA Chapter? Contact Mr. Larry Miller: [email protected] Membership Challenge - One Member at a time-Each One-Reach One! 15 Oct - 15 Dec 2024 Receive an NCOA Lapel pin. Application with payment can be sent to Hqs. Atten: Joe Terry. If individual signs up online, we will need their name to confirm membership. Welcome newest Partner - The Full Routine! The Full Routine is offering NCOA members an exclusive 20% discount on their Monthly Unlimited Membership (typically $55/month), AND on their Yearly Unlimited Membership (typically $500/year). Check our website and other social media for more details. Our name is a testament to our unwavering belief that a full routine, a stack of intentional habits and practices, is the key to achieving your desired results. By embracing The Full Routine, an integrated approach to wellness that extends beyond traditional fitness, you open the door to optimal living—where mind, body, and spirit harmonize to create a life of purpose and fulfillment. www.THEFULLROUTINE.com, #TheFullRoutine #NCOA #NewPartnership #StrengthInUnity Seek out a War Veteran to honor on Veterans Day with an NCOA War Service Recognition Medallion. You can visit our website for information regarding membership NCOA - NCOA - Non Commissioned Officers Association of the United States (ncoausa.org) and how to support our War Medallion Program Medallions and NCOA Challenge Coin - NCOA (ncoausa.org). Encourage other organizations, Your Friends, Family and Neighbors to join us in our efforts. Thank you for your part in helping us achieve our overall goal of being the Military Service Organization of choice! One Member at a time-Each One-Reach One! Strength in Unity®
1 September 2024I hope you all are having a great summer. It has been VERY hot here in Texas, however Fall is around the corner. NEW AFFINITY PARTNER: The NCOA is excited to announce a partnership with Firearms Legal Protection (FLP) as its exclusive partner for self-defense legal protection. For more information visit www.ncoausa.org . It’s also posted on our Facebook page facebook.com/NCOAUSA NCOAUSA. GOLF TOURNAMENT & RAFFLE: Here is a fantastic opportunity to support 2 great causes. The proceeds from your donation go towards our Scholarship Fund, and War Medallion Recognition program, allowing us to recognize our past and enable our future. Our Association is hosting our Annual Golf Tournament on 20 September at the Fort Sam Houston Golf Club. Thanks to LTC (Ret) Cody Roberson of C&M Ski Condo, you can enter to win a 5-day, 4-night stay at his beautiful condo in Angel Fire, New Mexico—valued at $3,000! The raffle winner will be announced at the golf tournament. You do not have to golf or be present to win. Prize can also be re-gifted to a Family Member, Friend etc. as long as it's before claiming the Prize. More info on our website ncoausa.org/golf-tournament. Prize Details: Ticket Price: Only $10 Donation Must be register NLT: Noon CDT, September 19, 2024 Winner Announced: 2024 Annual Golf Tournament Location: Angel Fire, New Mexico Stay Dates: Book from April 1 to December 14 (expires December 14, 2025) POC for Booking: Cody Roberson | 210-818-3480 | [email protected] Enter now for your chance to enjoy this incredible getaway: Raffle Link (bit.ly/NCOA-Getaway). CONTINUED CALL TO ACTION: I would like to ask each of you to reach out to sign up or sponsor at least 1 new member (In any Membership Category) in Aug/Sept timeframe and or sponsor 1 NCOA War Recognition Medallion. You can visit our website for information on how someone can sign up a new member and how to support our Medallion Program. Either can be done online or by mail. Encourage those that sign up to join us in our effort. Please consider it and our Association will explode in numbers immediately which will make us so much stronger! NCOA CONFERENCE 2025: Next years conference will take place 15-18 July in Norfolk VA at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel. Mark your Calendars and start planning now to attend. Thank you for your part in helping us achieve our overall goal of being the Military Service Organization of choice! Strength in Unity®
1 July 2024Happy July! NCOA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 16 - 19 July 2024: in San Antonio Tx. If you have not registered yet, Let’s get to it! Visit our website for details. We look forward to seeing you. We hope to see at least 1 member from each Chapter in attendance. NCOA 2024 Conference - NCOA ncoausa.org). Have you heard we have a Home Boxing Set from our partner, Fightcamp? Enter for a chance to win an at-home boxing gym valued at over $1699! Tickets are only $10! The FightCamp all-in-one bundle includes a free-standing punching bag, workout mat, boxing gloves, and more. The raffle will be announced at the 2024 NCOA Annual Conference. The raffle ends on July 17, 2024. Don’t miss out—get your tickets now: www.bit.ly/NCOA-Raffle Help us continue to hit the pavement hard in getting the word out about our WAR Medallion Recognition Program. We have presented over 3000 Medallions since 2020! Share the information with other Organizations. Visit this link for more information. Medallions and NCOA Challenge Coin - NCOA (ncoausa.org) Welcome our newest Association partners, Check A Vet, and Stars & Stripes. More information to follow. I want to wish you all a Happy 4th of July! Thank you for your part in helping us achieve our overall goal of being the Military Service Organization of choice! Forward Together in 2024! Strength in Unity® Joseph Terry, SGM, U.S. Army (Ret) NCOA Executive Director [email protected] NCOA Executive Director's New Year Insights |