The Legislative/Resolutions Committee is tasked with.. Legislative/Resolutions Committee
The Legislative/Resolutions Committee is tasked with reviewing all new resolutions submitted by members or chapters for consideration during the Association’s Annual Membership Business Meeting. The Committee also reviews all current resolutions of the Association. During its deliberations, the Committee may modify or create any resolution to better serve the needs of the Association. The Committee shall prepare a package of resolutions for consideration by the convention delegates that may include: 1) Previously adopted resolutions recommended for retention, 2) Previously adopted resolutions recommended for retention with amendments, 3) New resolutions recommended for approval, 4) Resolutions recommended for repeal, and 5) Resolutions considered by the committee but not recommended for approval. The 2018 Legislative/Resolutions Committee will be comprised of the following individuals: Chairman – CMSgt (Ret) Bonnie L. Cooper, Sir Scott Carnahan, Sir David Marston, MSgt Gerald Morey, Squire Blake Oehme, Sir Paul Rizzo, Sir Kent Tucker, Lady Patricia Weaver, Lady Sunny Wirth and Sir Scott Ytzen. Tellers’ Committee The Tellers Committee is tasked with the accurate tabulation of the ballots from the Annual Business Meeting. The 2018 Tellers’ Committee will be made up of the following members of the Knights of the Square Table: Lady Sunny Wirth, Chairman, Lady Bonnie Cooper, Squire Blake Oehme and Sir Marvin Weaver, Jr. Master-At-Arms Committee Appointed to serve on the Master-At-Arms Committee with Chairman Sir James Sullivan are the following individuals: MSgt Michael Grabow, Sir Lee Joslin, and Sir Paul Rizzo. Comments are closed.